What Are Micronutritional Deficiencies and How to Recognize Them?

In the end, is it clear that from every food we ingest we get vitamins and minerals necessary for our nutrition? We often eat without being aware of it, but every food contains these vitamins that provide our body with the survival we need. There are therefore very clear symptoms that can help us understand if we are eating correctly or what is happening in our diet. I want to list a few of them here to help you understand the direction to take. Here it is: ‘Can’t sleep well? Do you have persistent fatigue? Are you having trouble concentrating? Do you suffer from frequent gastrointestinal upset such as diarrhea or constipation? Do you often have muscle cramps? Do you have frequent colds, mood swings, anxiety, or depression? Do you have little appetite or do you happen to binge? Do you suffer from insomnia?’ These are just some of the symptoms that our body signals to us when vitamins and minerals are missing, and much more in our body.’

It is clear that our body, through these symptoms, is showing us the discomforts that occur due to the lack of various micronutrients. Knowledge is what helps us to become aware of things, then becoming a driving force for improvement. Have you ever heard the phrase: ‘You are what you eat’? I would say that in this case it fits perfectly. Don’t worry if you encounter any of these problems in a world as fast as ours, with all the responsibilities we have; It is logical to think that some ‘doughnut comes out with a hole that is not perfectly round’. So, how should we behave now? We have already seen where to find reliable sources or who we should consider to be considered an authority on the subject, and now we also have clarity on the fact that taking vitamins is not a fad, since it is talked about everywhere; indeed, it is a vital necessity. You have also seen some of the deficiencies caused by these shortcomings. What’s next?

At this point, I would say that, thanks to what I have just exposed regarding this diet that I have told you about many times, we have many reasons in our favor. Here we have the authority that has developed the knowledge of why certain diseases occur (Dr. Frasson Claudio) and the awareness of what makes up our body and how to nourish it to maximize its efficiency. To complete a comprehensive all-organism nutrition program that provides the vigor needed to face life and its nuances, our MiNu® diet is what you need.

What are you waiting for? Visit our website at: www.dietaminu.it and contact our team of professionals at your disposal.

Thank you

The writer

Serenella Pintus