We are here to delve into this diet in order to understand how it works. Once understood, we will commit ourselves to following a diet that will finally not make us feel deprived of the pleasure of eating what we love, but that will allow us to do it with an adequate understanding. This preface is important because many diets are based on extreme restrictions that ultimately make us feel thinner, but also more unhappy due to significant sacrifices.
The Minu® Diet is a new dietary method that, as a rule, does not require special restrictions but is able to optimize the biochemical activities and metabolism of our body. This is done through careful selection and combination of high-quality foods, ensuring an adequate intake of macronutrients and, above all, essential micronutrients.
We are addressing here a deep understanding of the vitamins that our bodies normally need and that they acquire through the foods we choose to consume. It is a completely unique concept, that of understanding the anatomy of what constitutes food and therefore paying attention from the beginning to what we know is beneficial for our diet. I could give many examples of how vitamin, protein or lipid deficiencies can cause disease or disrupt our daily lives but I prefer to go into more detail in this context.
That’s why in previous articles I talked about knowledge, understanding the real problem that lies at the base of our dysfunctions and problems of all kinds. Have you ever heard this phrase: ‘we are what we eat? What do you think, could it be at the root of our physical problems? Have you ever stopped to reflect on what happens to those who eat fast food, such as Americans? What foods are they made of? Let’s talk about vitamins and minerals; Do you really think they contain enough? And if our body needs it, what happens when we don’t provide it with what it needs in the long term?
That’s why the title of this article is ‘A Revolutionary Diet’. This diet brings you back in touch with your body, as through knowledge you regain the power to take care of your well-being.
I want you to regain control of your body and achieve a full awareness of nutrition and what you need for a healthy life. I will continue to write articles on this topic until we can truly understand its importance.
Thank you
The writer
Serenella Pintus