
Dieta MiNu®

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You can book a visit at Our DietMiNu Centers located below:

Dioli Center: Medicine and Health

Ponte San Nicolò, PD

35020 Via Firenze, 14/A

Medicine and Health

tel: 351 650 3082

Aesculapius Outpatient Clinic

Albignasego, PD

35020 Via Vicolo Enrico Fermi, 5/A

tel: 049 880 4500

MMB Clodiense Outpatient Clinic

Chioggia, VE

30015 Borgo S. Giovanni, 905

tel: 041 312 7896

Butterfly Collection Point – Badia Polesine

Badia Polesine, RO

45031 Via Cirillo Maliani, 34,

tel: 376 260 8100