Fat Lean?

Here we enter an infinite world of notions of all kinds, but the main argument is to be able to stay healthy and maintain a slim figure, as society imposes on us with its schemes. The main problem is that we women want to stay slim and fit, and we face the challenge of summer swimsuits by following what makes us feel good. Therefore, any food diet we start must respect our physical well-being. This concept has very deep roots and it is important that every diet we undertake takes into account this principle, which is fundamental to us. Being thin in this society means being considered beautiful, and therefore all the physical efforts we make are made in order to avoid putting on those few extra pounds that could bother us. I am a woman and I can say with absolute certainty that out of a hundred women, ninety are on a diet and continue their daily challenge in order to achieve the goals they have set themselves.

To be thin or to be fat, this is the main question for many women. I don’t want to sin of vanity or exaggerate, but in this particular area I know I am touching on a very relevant theme. The main problem is that constantly living on a diet can be really tiring, as it involves a lot of sacrifices. So if we could lose weight while maintaining a healthy diet, that would be great.

Often, in our minds, many theories whirl around and we have access to an abundance of information that fills entire books on how we should eat and what is essential to eat or avoid. This information covers carbohydrates, proteins, fats, sugars and a wide range of relevant data that we have available. Personally, I have reached my own understanding on this topic, and I believe that much of this information can be integrated to gain a general view of how we should behave.

So, in the end, what are the real principles that can solve our main problem?

The important thing, as a common thread that applies to every topic, is to know our potential problem well, in this case the so-called ‘food’. What do I mean by ‘knowing well’? I intend to understand which foods provide us with the necessary nutrition without making us gain weight. Possibly? I think so. Of course, physical activity is always a great help, but it is not the key element of our discussion.

An example could be compared to the use of gasoline in the car: if there was water inside the gasoline, the engine would be greatly affected, but if we knew the type of gasoline to put inside we would have no problems and the car would work perfectly. Going back to our main context, which is avoiding weight gain and eating healthily, I told you that knowing the foods we consume is essential.

What do you think would happen if you knew that by eating cauliflower, peppers and proteins like fish I get the nutrition I need without gaining weight? This might seem obvious, but what is not at all is knowing that these foods contain the vitamins and minerals you need to feel good throughout the day, without craving extra foods, such as sugars and more.

In the next chapter, I’ll go into more detail about this topic, and how the Minu diet can really solve the problem.

Thank you

The writer

Serenella Pintus