Guide to Nutrition for Wellness: Dr. Claudio Frasson

As promised, today in this article I want to tell you a little bit about how our doctor achieved the knowledge necessary to have a healthy diet. Above all, who is Dr. Claudio Frasson and what led him from a specialization such as surgery to become a nutrition expert? The first thing I want you to know is that its purpose has always been to help people live better lives. Since he was a child, Claudio dreamed of relieving people’s pain and making them happy again thanks to his intervention. Let’s take a step back. I am concerned that you can have a clear understanding of how you got here, so that you can have the right perspective that will accompany you in a meal program aimed at preventing specific situations in the future. Our doctor has become a surgeon who deals with all those diseases.

As anticipated, the doctor deals with surgery, therefore correcting all those situations that occur in our body, both at the level of hemorrhoids and the intestinal wall, and much more. This is the part that interests us, as it connects to the research that led Claudio to understand that there were gaps in the patients’ diet. It is obvious that if he had gone further and delved deeper into this area, finding ways to educate people to eat better and truly understanding what contributes to healthy eating, everyone would have been happier. It was not easy for the doctor to see patients die prematurely when they could have lived much longer if they had known how to eat properly. These difficulties were the engine that started all Claudio’s research and determination to do something about it in a sector that, in my opinion, really needs more clarity.

What has become the goal is to educate people in general about what the body needs in order to get everything it needs from the foods we consume on a daily basis. Let’s take a step back and clarify some important points that will help you understand this information better. Every food we consume is made up of vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy. Let’s take for example the case in which you continue to consume foods that contain minerals but do not contain the vitamins necessary for the well-being of the nervous system and the other organs that make up our body. This imbalance and the resulting deficiency can lead to long-term pathologies.

We are not doctors, and the purpose of this blog is not to achieve this goal, but to clarify and empower each of us on the knowledge of this topic. So how can we have more control over our diet and become more conscious people? First and foremost, the first step is to understand that every food has the potential to provide us with what we need. Of course, not all foods are highly nutritious, such as Nutella (this doesn’t mean we can never consume it; every now and then a treat is allowed), but this is a separate topic. Coming back to us, now that we have understood this important step, we must always keep it in mind for everything that will follow.

Keep following me to find out more.

Thank you

The writer

Serenella Pintus