I sell diet with personalized program

I sell a personalized program to make your diet healthy and balanced thanks to micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. How is this program composed? Initially, a specialized visit to Dr. Claudio Frasson’s offices is necessary, during which he or his team will evaluate all the elements necessary to create a meal plan suitable for you. This plan is based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, which are essential for a healthy and balanced diet. Eating is one of life’s pleasures, but in addition to pleasure, it’s important to make sure our body gets what it needs to get through the day and the daily problems that each of us faces.

After completing the necessary examination, the first step, the professional will work with you to identify your specific needs. These could include the need to avoid gluten or dairy if necessary. Together, you will develop a personalized diet consisting of a wide range of foods that will allow you to keep your passion for nutrition alive, while avoiding foods that lack vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates or proteins. Although we may think that everything can be consumed, there are foods that, over time, can cause numerous physical ailments which, of course, can also have psychological consequences. Therefore, why not feed yourself with awareness and happiness?

But it doesn’t end there. Once you have your food program, you will be followed by Dr. Claudio Frasson’s team, in order to ensure a gradual maintenance and the successes that come with it. This exceptional team will always be on hand to help you achieve your goals, which are not only about physical well-being but will also affect your mental well-being. Remember the phrase, ‘You are what you eat.’ This means that by eating healthily, you can improve your overall health and better cope with daily challenges.

Thank you

The writer

Serenella Pintus